Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 0 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 25

com.github.davidmoten.rx2.Actions Line
make holder 50
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.BiFunctions Line
make holder 39
make holder 50
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.BiPredicates Line
make holder 14
make holder 25
make holder 36
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.Callables Line
make holder 22
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.Consumers Line
make holder 57
make holder 147
use custom exception 153
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.Functions Line
make holder 39
make holder 50
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.ObservablesTest Line
assert stuff about closing closeable.close(); closeable.close(); 68
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.RetryWhen Line
remove this cast when rxjava 2.0.3 released because signature of retryWhen will be fixed 64
unit test 92
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.buffertofile.Serializers Line
use holder 23
use holder 28
use holder 33
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.DelimitedStringLinkedList Line
might need GC Nepotism protection 170
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.FlowableRepeatingTransform Line
what to do here? cancelWholeChain(); 235
--No comment-- 578
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.FlowableStateMachine Line
--No comment-- 72
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.TransformerStringSplit Line
is this check needed? 62
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.buffertofile.PageListTest Line
test rewrite marking 72
com.github.davidmoten.rx2.internal.flowable.buffertofile.PagedQueue Line
optimize for BigEndian as well 106