View Javadoc
1   package com.github.davidmoten.rx.testing;
3   import static com.github.davidmoten.util.Optional.of;
5   import java.util.ArrayList;
6   import java.util.Arrays;
7   import java.util.Collection;
8   import java.util.Collections;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
11  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
12  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
14  import junit.framework.TestCase;
15  import junit.framework.TestSuite;
17  import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
18  import org.junit.runners.Suite;
19  import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
21  import rx.Observable;
22  import rx.Subscriber;
23  import rx.functions.Action0;
24  import rx.functions.Func1;
26  import com.github.davidmoten.util.Optional;
27  import com.github.davidmoten.util.Preconditions;
29  /**
30   * Testing utility functions.
31   */
32  public final class TestingHelper {
34      private static final Optional<Long> ABSENT = Optional.absent();
36      /**
37       * Sets the transformation to be tested and returns a builder to create test
38       * cases.
39       * 
40       * @param function
41       *            the transformation to be tested
42       * @param <T>
43       *            generic type of the from side of the transformation being
44       *            tested
45       * @param <R>
46       *            generic type of the to side of the transformation being tested
47       * @return builder for creating test cases
48       */
49      public static <T, R> Builder<T, R> function(Func1<Observable<T>, Observable<R>> function) {
50          return new Builder<T, R>().function(function);
51      }
53      /**
54       * Defines test cases and builds a JUnit test suite.
55       * 
56       * @param <T>
57       *            generic type of the from side of the transformation being
58       *            tested
59       * @param <R>
60       *            generic type of the to side of the transformation being tested
61       */
62      public static class Builder<T, R> {
64          private final List<Case<T, R>> cases = new ArrayList<Case<T, R>>();
65          private Func1<Observable<T>, Observable<R>> function;
66          private long waitForUnusbscribeMs = 100;
67          private long waitForTerminalEventMs = 10000;
68          private long waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs = 50;
70          private Builder() {
71              // must instantiate via TestingHelper.function method above
72          }
74          /**
75           * Sets transformation to be tested and returns the current builder.
76           * 
77           * @param function
78           *            transformation to be tested
79           * @return builder
80           */
81          public Builder<T, R> function(Func1<Observable<T>, Observable<R>> function) {
82              Preconditions.checkNotNull(function, "function cannot be null");
83              this.function = function;
84              return this;
85          }
87          /**
88           * Sets duration to wait for unusubscription to occur (either of source
89           * or of downstream subscriber).
90           * 
91           * @param duration
92           *            number of time units
93           * @param unit
94           *            time unit
95           * @return builder
96           */
97          public Builder<T, R> waitForUnsubscribe(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
98              Preconditions.checkNotNull(unit, "unit cannot be null");
99              waitForUnusbscribeMs = unit.toMillis(duration);
100             return this;
101         }
103         /**
104          * Sets duration to wait for a terminal event (completed or error) when
105          * one is expected.
106          * 
107          * @param duration
108          *            number of time units
109          * @param unit
110          *            time unit
111          * @return builder
112          */
113         public Builder<T, R> waitForTerminalEvent(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
114             Preconditions.checkNotNull(unit, "unit cannot be null");
115             waitForTerminalEventMs = unit.toMillis(duration);
116             return this;
117         }
119         /**
120          * Sets duration to wait for more terminal events after one has been
121          * received.
122          * 
123          * @param duration
124          *            number of time units
125          * @param unit
126          *            time unit
127          * @return builder
128          */
129         public Builder<T, R> waitForMoreTerminalEvents(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
130             Preconditions.checkNotNull(unit, "unit cannot be null");
131             waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs = unit.toMillis(duration);
132             return this;
133         }
135         /**
136          * Sets the name of the test which is used in the name of a junit test.
137          * 
138          * @param name
139          *            name of the test
140          * @return case builder
141          */
142         public CaseBuilder<T, R> name(String name) {
143             Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "name cannot be null");
144             return new CaseBuilder<T, R>(this, Observable.<T> empty(), name);
145         }
147         /**
148          * Returns the JUnit {@link TestSuite} comprised of the test cases
149          * created so far. The cases will be listed under the root test named
150          * according to the given class.
151          * 
152          * @param cls
153          *            class corresponding to the tests root
154          * @return test suite
155          */
156         public TestSuite testSuite(Class<?> cls) {
157             Preconditions.checkNotNull(cls, "cls cannot be null");
158             return new TestSuiteFromCases<T, R>(cls, new ArrayList<Case<T, R>>(this.cases));
159         }
161         private Builder<T, R> expect(Observable<T> from, Optional<List<R>> expected,
162                 boolean ordered, Optional<Long> expectSize, boolean checkSourceUnsubscribed,
163                 String name, Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter,
164                 Optional<Class<? extends Throwable>> expectError,
165                 Optional<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> expectException) {
166             cases.add(new Case<T, R>(from, expected, ordered, expectSize, checkSourceUnsubscribed,
167                     function, name, unsubscribeAfter, expectError, waitForUnusbscribeMs,
168                     waitForTerminalEventMs, waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs, expectException));
169             return this;
170         }
171     }
173     public static class CaseBuilder<T, R> {
174         private final Builder<T, R> builder;
175         private String name;
176         private Observable<T> from = Observable.empty();
177         private boolean checkSourceUnsubscribed = true;
178         private Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter = Optional.absent();
180         private CaseBuilder(Builder<T, R> builder, Observable<T> from, String name) {
181             Preconditions.checkNotNull(builder);
182             Preconditions.checkNotNull(from);
183             Preconditions.checkNotNull(name);
184             this.builder = builder;
185             this.from = from;
186    = name;
187         }
189         public CaseBuilder<T, R> name(String name) {
190             Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "name cannot be null");
191    = name;
192             return this;
193         }
195         public CaseBuilder<T, R> fromEmpty() {
196             from = Observable.empty();
197             return this;
198         }
200         public CaseBuilder<T, R> from(T... source) {
201             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
202             from = Observable.from(source);
203             return this;
204         }
206         public CaseBuilder<T, R> from(Observable<T> source) {
207             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
208             from = source;
209             return this;
210         }
212         public CaseBuilder<T, R> fromError() {
213             from = Observable.error(new TestingException());
214             return this;
215         }
217         public CaseBuilder<T, R> fromErrorAfter(T... source) {
218             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
219             from = Observable.from(source).concatWith(Observable.<T> error(new TestingException()));
220             return this;
221         }
223         public CaseBuilder<T, R> fromErrorAfter(Observable<T> source) {
224             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
225             from = source;
226             return this;
227         }
229         public CaseBuilder<T, R> skipUnsubscribedCheck() {
230             this.checkSourceUnsubscribed = false;
231             return this;
232         }
234         public Builder<T, R> expectEmpty() {
235             return expect(Collections.<R> emptyList());
236         }
238         public Builder<T, R> expectError() {
239             return expectError(TestingException.class);
240         }
242         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
243         public Builder<T, R> expectError(Class<? extends Throwable> cls) {
244             Preconditions.checkNotNull(cls, "cls cannot be null");
245             return builder.expect(from, Optional.<List<R>> absent(), true, ABSENT,
246                     checkSourceUnsubscribed, name, unsubscribeAfter,
247                     (Optional<Class<? extends Throwable>>) (Optional<?>) of(cls),
248                     Optional.<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> absent());
249         }
251         public Builder<T, R> expect(R... source) {
252             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
253             return expect(Arrays.asList(source));
254         }
256         public Builder<T, R> expectSize(long n) {
257             return builder.expect(from, Optional.<List<R>> absent(), true, of(n),
258                     checkSourceUnsubscribed, name, unsubscribeAfter,
259                     Optional.<Class<? extends Throwable>> absent(),
260                     Optional.<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> absent());
261         }
263         public Builder<T, R> expect(List<R> source) {
264             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
265             return expect(source, true);
266         }
268         private Builder<T, R> expect(List<R> items, boolean ordered) {
269             return builder.expect(from, of(items), ordered, ABSENT, checkSourceUnsubscribed, name,
270                     unsubscribeAfter, Optional.<Class<? extends Throwable>> absent(),
271                     Optional.<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> absent());
272         }
274         public Builder<T, R> expectAnyOrder(R... source) {
275             Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "source cannot be null");
276             return expect(Arrays.asList(source), false);
277         }
279         public CaseBuilder<T, R> unsubscribeAfter(int n) {
280             unsubscribeAfter = of(n);
281             return this;
282         }
284         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
285         public Builder<T, R> expectException(Class<? extends RuntimeException> cls) {
286             return builder.expect(from, Optional.<List<R>> absent(), true, ABSENT,
287                     checkSourceUnsubscribed, name, unsubscribeAfter,
288                     Optional.<Class<? extends Throwable>> absent(),
289                     (Optional<Class<? extends RuntimeException>>) (Optional<?>) Optional.of(cls));
290         }
292     }
294     private static class Case<T, R> {
295         final String name;
296         final Observable<T> from;
297         final Optional<List<R>> expected;
298         final boolean checkSourceUnsubscribed;
299         final Func1<Observable<T>, Observable<R>> function;
300         final Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter;
301         final boolean ordered;
302         final Optional<Long> expectSize;
303         final Optional<Class<? extends Throwable>> expectError;
304         final long waitForUnusbscribeMs;
305         final long waitForTerminalEventMs;
306         final long waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs;
307         final Optional<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> expectedException;
309         Case(Observable<T> from, Optional<List<R>> expected, boolean ordered,
310                 Optional<Long> expectSize, boolean checkSourceUnsubscribed,
311                 Func1<Observable<T>, Observable<R>> function, String name,
312                 Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter,
313                 Optional<Class<? extends Throwable>> expectError, long waitForUnusbscribeMs,
314                 long waitForTerminalEventMs, long waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs,
315                 Optional<Class<? extends RuntimeException>> expectedException) {
316             Preconditions.checkNotNull(from);
317             Preconditions.checkNotNull(expected);
318             Preconditions.checkNotNull(expectSize);
319             Preconditions.checkNotNull(function);
320             Preconditions.checkNotNull(name);
321             Preconditions.checkNotNull(unsubscribeAfter);
322             Preconditions.checkNotNull(expectError);
323             Preconditions.checkNotNull(expectedException);
324             this.from = from;
325             this.expected = expected;
326             this.ordered = ordered;
327             this.expectSize = expectSize;
328             this.checkSourceUnsubscribed = checkSourceUnsubscribed;
329             this.function = function;
330    = name;
331             this.unsubscribeAfter = unsubscribeAfter;
332             this.expectError = expectError;
333             this.waitForUnusbscribeMs = waitForUnusbscribeMs;
334             this.waitForTerminalEventMs = waitForTerminalEventMs;
335             this.waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs = waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs;
336             this.expectedException = expectedException;
337         }
338     }
340     private static <T, R> void runTest(Case<T, R> c, TestType testType) {
341         try {
342             CountDownLatch sourceUnsubscribeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
343             MyTestSubscriber<R> sub = createTestSubscriber(testType, c.unsubscribeAfter);
345                     .subscribe(sub);
346             if (c.unsubscribeAfter.isPresent()) {
347                 waitForUnsubscribe(sourceUnsubscribeLatch, c.waitForUnusbscribeMs,
348                         TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
349                 // if unsubscribe has occurred there is no mandated behaviour in
350                 // terms of terminal events so we don't check them
351             } else {
352                 sub.awaitTerminalEvent(c.waitForTerminalEventMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
353                 if (c.expectError.isPresent()) {
354                     sub.assertError(c.expectError.get());
355                     // wait for more terminal events
356                     pause(c.waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
357                     if (sub.numOnCompletedEvents() > 0)
358                         throw new UnexpectedOnCompletedException();
359                 } else {
360                     sub.assertNoErrors();
361                     // wait for more terminal events
362                     pause(c.waitForMoreTerminalEventsMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
363                     if (sub.numOnCompletedEvents() > 1)
364                         throw new TooManyOnCompletedException();
365                     sub.assertNoErrors();
366                 }
367             }
369             if (c.expected.isPresent())
370                 sub.assertReceivedOnNext(c.expected.get(), c.ordered);
371             if (c.expectSize.isPresent())
372                 sub.assertReceivedCountIs(c.expectSize.get());
373             sub.assertUnsubscribed();
374             if (c.checkSourceUnsubscribed)
375                 waitForUnsubscribe(sourceUnsubscribeLatch, c.waitForUnusbscribeMs,
376                         TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
377             if (c.expectedException.isPresent())
378                 throw new ExpectedExceptionNotThrownException();
379         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
380             if (!c.expectedException.isPresent() || !c.expectedException.get().isInstance(e))
381                 throw e;
382             // otherwise was expected
383         }
384     }
386     private static Action0 countDown(final CountDownLatch latch) {
387         return new Action0() {
388             @Override
389             public void call() {
390                 latch.countDown();
391             }
392         };
393     }
395     private static <T> void waitForUnsubscribe(CountDownLatch latch, long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
396         try {
397             if (!latch.await(duration, unit))
398                 throw new UnsubscriptionFromSourceTimeoutException();
399         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
400             // do nothing
401         }
402     }
404     public static class UnsubscriptionFromSourceTimeoutException extends RuntimeException {
405         private static final long serialVersionUID = -1142604414390722544L;
406     }
408     private static void pause(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
409         try {
410             Thread.sleep(unit.toMillis(duration));
411         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
412             // do nothing
413         }
414     }
416     private static final class MyTestSubscriber<T> extends Subscriber<T> {
418         private final List<T> next = new ArrayList<T>();
419         private final Optional<Long> onStartRequest;
420         private final Optional<Long> onNextRequest;
421         private final Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter;
422         private final CountDownLatch terminalLatch;
423         private int completed = 0;
424         private int count = 0;
425         private int errors = 0;
426         private final AtomicLong expected = new AtomicLong();
427         private Optional<Throwable> lastError = Optional.absent();
428         private Optional<Long> onNextRequest2;
430         MyTestSubscriber(Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter, final Optional<Long> onStartRequest,
431                 final Optional<Long> onNextRequest, final Optional<Long> onNextRequest2) {
432             this.unsubscribeAfter = unsubscribeAfter;
433             this.onStartRequest = onStartRequest;
434             this.onNextRequest = onNextRequest;
435             this.onNextRequest2 = onNextRequest2;
436             this.terminalLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
437         }
439         MyTestSubscriber(Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter) {
440             this(unsubscribeAfter, ABSENT, ABSENT, ABSENT);
441         }
443         @Override
444         public void onStart() {
445             if (!onStartRequest.isPresent())
446                 // if nothing requested in onStart then must be requesting all
447                 expected.set(Long.MAX_VALUE);
448             else
449                 expected.set(0);
450             if (onStartRequest.isPresent())
451                 requestMore(onStartRequest.get());
452         }
454         private void requestMore(long n) {
455             if (expected.get() != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
456                 if (n > 0)
457                     expected.addAndGet(n);
458                 // allow zero or negative requests to pass through as a test
459                 request(n);
460             }
461         }
463         @Override
464         public void onCompleted() {
465             completed++;
466             terminalLatch.countDown();
467         }
469         @Override
470         public void onError(Throwable e) {
471             errors++;
472             lastError = of(e);
473             terminalLatch.countDown();
474         }
476         @Override
477         public void onNext(T t) {
478             final long exp;
479             if (expected.get() != Long.MAX_VALUE)
480                 exp = expected.decrementAndGet();
481             else
482                 exp = expected.get();
483             next.add(t);
484             count++;
485             if (exp < 0)
486                 onError(new DeliveredMoreThanRequestedException());
487             else if (unsubscribeAfter.isPresent() && count == unsubscribeAfter.get())
488                 unsubscribe();
489             else {
490                 if (onNextRequest.isPresent())
491                     requestMore(onNextRequest.get());
492                 if (onNextRequest2.isPresent())
493                     requestMore(onNextRequest2.get());
494             }
495         }
497         void assertError(Class<?> cls) {
498             if (errors != 1 || !cls.isInstance(lastError.get()))
499                 throw new ExpectedErrorNotReceivedException();
500         }
502         void assertReceivedCountIs(long count) {
503             if (count != next.size())
504                 throw new WrongOnNextCountException();
505         }
507         void awaitTerminalEvent(long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
508             try {
509                 if (!terminalLatch.await(duration, unit))
510                     throw new TerminalEventTimeoutException();
511             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
512                 // do nothing
513             }
514         }
516         void assertReceivedOnNext(List<T> expected, boolean ordered) {
517             if (!TestingHelper.equals(expected, next, ordered))
518                 throw new UnexpectedOnNextException("expected=" + expected + ", actual=" + next);
519         }
521         void assertUnsubscribed() {
522             if (!isUnsubscribed())
523                 throw new DownstreamUnsubscriptionDidNotOccurException();
524         }
526         int numOnCompletedEvents() {
527             return completed;
528         }
530         void assertNoErrors() {
531             if (errors > 0) {
532                 lastError.get().printStackTrace();
533                 throw new UnexpectedOnErrorException();
534             }
535         }
537     }
539     public static class TerminalEventTimeoutException extends RuntimeException {
540         private static final long serialVersionUID = -7355281653999339840L;
541     }
543     public static class ExpectedErrorNotReceivedException extends RuntimeException {
544         private static final long serialVersionUID = -567146145612029349L;
545     }
547     public static class ExpectedExceptionNotThrownException extends RuntimeException {
548         private static final long serialVersionUID = -104410457605712970L;
549     }
551     public static class WrongOnNextCountException extends RuntimeException {
552         private static final long serialVersionUID = 984672575527784559L;
553     }
555     public static class UnexpectedOnCompletedException extends RuntimeException {
556         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7164517608988798969L;
557     }
559     public static class UnexpectedOnErrorException extends RuntimeException {
560         private static final long serialVersionUID = -813740137771756205L;
561     }
563     public static class TooManyOnCompletedException extends RuntimeException {
564         private static final long serialVersionUID = -405328882928962333L;
565     }
567     public static class DownstreamUnsubscriptionDidNotOccurException extends RuntimeException {
568         private static final long serialVersionUID = 7218646111664183642L;
569     }
571     public static class UnexpectedOnNextException extends RuntimeException {
572         private static final long serialVersionUID = -3656406263739222767L;
574         public UnexpectedOnNextException(String message) {
575             super(message);
576         }
578     }
580     private static enum TestType {
582     }
584     private static <T> MyTestSubscriber<T> createTestSubscriber(Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter,
585             long onStartRequest, Optional<Long> onNextRequest) {
586         return new MyTestSubscriber<T>(unsubscribeAfter, of(onStartRequest), onNextRequest, ABSENT);
587     }
589     private static <T> MyTestSubscriber<T> createTestSubscriber(TestType testType,
590             final Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter) {
592         if (testType == TestType.WITHOUT_BACKP)
593             return new MyTestSubscriber<T>(unsubscribeAfter);
594         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_INITIAL_REQUEST_MAX)
595             return createTestSubscriber(unsubscribeAfter, Long.MAX_VALUE, ABSENT);
596         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_INITIAL_REQUEST_MAX_THEN_BY_ONE)
597             return createTestSubscriber(unsubscribeAfter, Long.MAX_VALUE, of(1L));
598         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_ONE_BY_ONE)
599             return createTestSubscriber(unsubscribeAfter, 1L, of(1L));
600         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_REQUEST_ZERO)
601             return new MyTestSubscriber<T>(unsubscribeAfter, of(1L), of(0L), of(1L));
602         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_REQUEST_OVERFLOW)
603             return new MyTestSubscriber<T>(unsubscribeAfter, of(1L), of(Long.MAX_VALUE / 3 * 2),
604                     of(Long.MAX_VALUE / 3 * 2));
605         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_TWO_BY_TWO)
606             return createTestSubscriberWithBackpNbyN(unsubscribeAfter, 2);
607         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_FIVE_BY_FIVE)
608             return createTestSubscriberWithBackpNbyN(unsubscribeAfter, 5);
609         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_FIFTY_BY_FIFTY)
610             return createTestSubscriberWithBackpNbyN(unsubscribeAfter, 50);
611         else if (testType == TestType.BACKP_THOUSAND_BY_THOUSAND)
612             return createTestSubscriberWithBackpNbyN(unsubscribeAfter, 1000);
613         else
614             throw new RuntimeException(testType + " not implemented");
616     }
618     private static <T> MyTestSubscriber<T> createTestSubscriberWithBackpNbyN(
619             final Optional<Integer> unsubscribeAfter, final long requestSize) {
620         return new MyTestSubscriber<T>(unsubscribeAfter, of(requestSize), ABSENT, of(requestSize));
621     }
623     @RunWith(Suite.class)
624     @SuiteClasses({})
625     private static class TestSuiteFromCases<T, R> extends TestSuite {
627         TestSuiteFromCases(Class<?> cls, List<Case<T, R>> cases) {
628             super(cls);
629             for (Case<T, R> c : cases) {
630                 for (TestType testType : TestType.values())
631                     if (testType != TestType.BACKP_REQUEST_OVERFLOW)
632                         addTest(new MyTestCase<T, R>( + "_" +, c, testType));
633             }
634         }
635     }
637     private static class MyTestCase<T, R> extends TestCase {
639         private final Case<T, R> c;
640         private final TestType testType;
642         MyTestCase(String name, Case<T, R> c, TestType testType) {
643             super(name);
644             this.c = c;
645             this.testType = testType;
646         }
648         @Override
649         protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
650             TestingHelper.runTest(c, testType);
651         }
653     }
655     private static <T> boolean equals(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b, boolean ordered) {
656         if (a == null)
657             return b == null;
658         else if (b == null)
659             return a == null;
660         else if (a.size() != b.size())
661             return false;
662         else if (ordered)
663             return a.equals(b);
664         else {
665             List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(a);
666             for (T t : b) {
667                 if (!list.remove(t))
668                     return false;
669             }
670             return true;
671         }
672     }
674     private static class TestingException extends RuntimeException {
676         private static final long serialVersionUID = 4467514769366847747L;
678     }
680     /**
681      * RuntimeException implementation to represent the situation of more items
682      * being delivered by a source than are requested via backpressure.
683      */
684     public static class DeliveredMoreThanRequestedException extends RuntimeException {
685         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1369440545774454215L;
687         public DeliveredMoreThanRequestedException() {
688             super("more items arrived than requested");
689         }
690     }
692     /**
693      * RuntimeException implementation to represent an assertion failure.
694      */
695     public static class AssertionException extends RuntimeException {
696         private static final long serialVersionUID = -6846674323693517388L;
698         public AssertionException(String message) {
699             super(message);
700         }
701     }
703     /**
704      * Returns a {@link Func1} For use with {@code}. Enables
705      * method chaining from observable to assertions.
706      * 
707      * @param <T>
708      *            type of item in observable stream
709      * @return Func1
710      */
711     public static <T> Func1<Observable<T>, TestSubscriber2<T>> test() {
712         return TestSubscriber2.test();
713     }
715     /**
716      * Returns a {@link Func1} For use with {@code}. Enables
717      * method chaining from observable to assertions.
718      * 
719      * @param initialRequest
720      *            amount to be requested in the {@code onStart} method of the
721      *            subscriber.
722      * @param <T>
723      *            type of item in observable stream
724      * @return Func1
725      */
726     public static <T> Func1<Observable<T>, TestSubscriber2<T>> testWithRequest(
727             long initialRequest) {
728         return TestSubscriber2.testWithRequest(initialRequest);
729     }
731 }